
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions
4 - 87
4.2.93 Online auto-tuning function
The online auto-tuning function allows you to compensate the motor constants for alterations caused by
the rise of motor temperature and other factors to ensure stable motor operation.
The online auto-tuning function applies only to the 1st motor and 2nd motor controls. Do not apply this
function to the 3rd motor control.
Item Function code Data Description
00 Hitachi general-purpose motor data
01 Automatically tuned data
Motor constant selection H002/H202
02 Automatically tuned data (online auto-tuning enabled)
When using this function, follow the instructions below.
1) Be sure to perform the offline auto-tuning before the online auto-tuning.
2) Since the data for online tuning is calculated by the offline auto-tuning, perform the offline tuning at
least once, even when the inverter is used to drive a Hitachi general-purpose motor.
3) The online auto-tuning operates for a maximum of 5 seconds after the motor has stopped. (DC
excitation is executed once to tune constants R1 and R2. The result of tuning is not reflected in the
data displayed on the monitor.) If an operation command is input during the auto-tuning operation, the
online auto-tuning ends midway because the operation command has priority over the online
auto-tuning. (In such cases, the result of tuning is not reflected in the inverter settings.)
4) When the DC braking at stopping has been specified, the online tuning is performed after the DC
braking operation ends.
Operating procedure
1) Specify "02" (enabling the online auto-tuning) for the motor constant selection "H002". (Specify "00"
[disabling the auto-tuning] for the Auto-tuning Setting "H001".)
2) Input an operation command. (The inverter will automatically perform the online auto-tuning after the
motor stops.)
4.2.94 Secondary resistance compensation (temperature compensation) function
The secondary resistance compensation function allows you to
compensate for the secondary resistance to control the motor speed
fluctuations due to the changes in the motor temperature. This function
can operate when the control mode is the sensorless vector control,
0Hz-range sensorless vector control, or vector control with sensor.
(Use the thermistor model PB-41E made by Shibaura Electronics Corporation.)
When using this function, specify "02" (NTC) for the thermistor for thermal protection control (b098). (With
a thermistor other than the PB-41E or another setting of the thermistor for thermal protection control, the
motor temperature cannot be detected correctly.)
Item Function code Data Description
00 Disabling the secondary resistance compensation Temperature compensation
thermistor enable
01 Enabling the secondary resistance compensation
P025: Temperature
compensation thermistor enable
b098: Thermistor for thermal
protection control
Related code