Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions
4 - 127
(2) Positive and negative responses
(i) Positive response
- Response frame
Frame format
STX Station No. ACK BCC CR
Description Data size Setting
STX Control code (Start of TeXt) 1 byte STX (0x02)
Station No.
Station number of control-target
2 bytes 01 to 32
ACK Control code (acknowledgement) 1 byte ACK (0x06)
BCC Block check code 2 bytes
XOR of the items from "Station No." to "ACK."
See Item (3) of this section.
CR Control code (Carriage Return) 1 byte CR (0x0D)
(ii) Negative response
- Response frame
Frame format
STX Station No. NAK Error code BCC CR
Description Data size Setting
STX Control code (Start of TeXt) 1 byte STX (0x02)
Station No.
Station number of control-target
2 bytes 01 to 32
Control code (negative
1 byte NAK (0x15)
Error code Content of communication error 2 bytes See Note 13.
BCC Block check code 2 bytes
XOR of the items from "Station No." to "Error
code." See Item (3) of this section.
CR Control code (Carriage Return) 1 byte CR (0x0D)
Note 15: Error codes
Error code Description
01H Parity error
02H Sum check error
03H Framing error
04H Overrun
05H Protocol error
06H ASCII code error
07H Receiving-buffer overflow
08H Reception timeout
- -
- -
11H Command error
12H -
13H Execution disabled
14H -
15H -
16H Parameter error
17H -
If a command is broadcasted to all inverter stations, no response will be returned to the external control