Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions
4 - 141
(ii) List of registers (frequency settings and trip monitoring)
Function name
R/W Monitoring and setting items
0001h F001 (high) R/W
Frequency source setting
F001 (low) R/W
0 to 40000 (valid when A001 = 03)
0.01 [Hz]
0003h Inverter status A - R
0: Initial status, 1: Waiting for Vdc establishment,
2: Stopping, 3: Running, 4: Free-run stop (FRS),
5: Jogging, 6: DC braking, 7: Frequency being
input, 8: Retrying operation, 9: Undervoltage
0004h Inverter status B - R 0: Stopping, 1: Running, 2: Tripping -
0005h Inverter status C - R
0: ---, 1: Stopping, 2: Decelerating, 3:
Constant-speed operation, 4: Accelerating, 5:
Forward rotation, 6: Reverse rotation, 7:
Switching from forward rotation to reverse
rotation, 8: Switching from reverse rotation to
forward rotation, 9: Starting forward rotation, 10:
Starting reverse rotation
0006h PID feedback - R/W 0 to 10000 0.01 [%]
(Reserved) - R Inaccessible -
0011h Trip Counter d080 R 0 to 65530 1 [time]
0012h Trip monitoring 1 (factor) See the list of inverter trip factors below -
0013h Trip monitoring 1 (inverter status) See the list of inverter trip factors below -
0014h Trip monitoring 1 (frequency) (high)
0015h Trip monitoring 1 (frequency (low)
0 to 40000 0.01 [Hz]
0016h Trip monitoring 1 (current) Output current at tripping 0.1 A
0017h Trip monitoring 1 (voltage) DC input voltage at tripping 1 V
0018h Trip monitoring 1 (running time) (high)
0019h Trip monitoring 1 (running time) (low)
Cumulative running time at tripping 1h
001Ah Trip monitoring 1 (power-on time) (high)
001Bh Trip monitoring 1 (power-on time) (low)
d081 R
Cumulative power-on time at tripping 1h
001Ch Trip monitoring 2 (factor) See the list of inverter trip factors below -
001Dh Trip monitoring 2 (inverter status) See the list of inverter trip factors below -
001Eh Trip monitoring 2 (frequency) (high)
001Fh Trip monitoring 2 (frequency (low)
0 to 40000 0.01 [Hz]
0020h Trip monitoring 2 (current) Output current at tripping 0.1 A
0021h Trip monitoring 2 (voltage) DC input voltage at tripping 1 V
0022h Trip monitoring 2 (running time) (high)
0023h Trip monitoring 2 (running time) (low)
Cumulative running time at tripping 1h
0024h Trip monitoring 2 (power-on time) (high)
0025h Trip monitoring 2 (power-on time) (low)
d082 R
Cumulative power-on time at tripping 1h
0026h Trip monitoring 3 (factor) See the list of inverter trip factors below -
0027h Trip monitoring 3 (inverter status) See the list of inverter trip factors below -
0028h Trip monitoring 3 (frequency) (high)
0029h Trip monitoring 3 (frequency (low)
0 to 40000 0.01 [Hz]
002Ah Trip monitoring 3 (current) Output current at tripping 0.1 A
002Bh Trip monitoring 3 (voltage) DC input voltage at tripping 1 V
002Ch Trip monitoring 3 (running time) (high)
002Dh Trip monitoring 3 (running time) (low)
Cumulative running time at tripping 1h
002Eh Trip monitoring 3 (power-on time) (high)
002Fh Trip monitoring 3 (power-on time) (low)
d083 R
Cumulative power-on time at tripping 1h
0030h Trip monitoring 4 (factor) See the list of inverter trip factors below -
0031h Trip monitoring 4 (inverter status) See the list of inverter trip factors below -
0032h Trip monitoring 4 (frequency) (high)
0033h Trip monitoring 4 (frequency (low)
0 to 40000 0.01 [Hz]
0034h Trip monitoring 4 (current) Output current at tripping 0.1 A
0035h Trip monitoring 4 (voltage) DC input voltage at tripping 1 V
0036h Trip monitoring 4 (running time) (high)
0037h Trip monitoring 4 (running time) (low)
Cumulative running time at tripping 1h
0038h Trip monitoring 4 (power-on time) (high)
0039h Trip monitoring 4 (power-on time) (low)
d084 R
Cumulative power-on time at tripping 1h