
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions
4 - 73
4.2.81 FM terminal
You can monitor the inverter output frequency and output current via
the FM terminal on the control circuit terminal block. The FM terminal is
a pulse output terminal.
(1) FM siginal selection
Select the signal to be output from the FM terminal among those shown below.
If you select "03" (digital output frequency), connect a digital frequency counter to the FM terminal. To
monitor other output signals, use an analog meter.
Item Data Description Full-scale value
00 Output frequency (See example 1.) 0 to maximum frequency (Hz) (*3)
01 Output current (See example 1.) 0 to 200%
02 Output torque (*1) (See example 1.) 0 to 200%
03 Digital output frequency (See example 2.) 0 to maximum frequency (Hz) (*3)
04 Output voltage (See example 1.)
0 to 133% (75% of full scale is equivalent
to 100%)
05 Input power (See example 1.) 0 to 200%
Electronic thermal overload (See example
0 to 100%
07 LAD frequency (See example 1.) 0 to maximum frequency (Hz)
08 Digital current monitoring (See example 2.) (*2)
09 Motor temperature (See example 1.)
0ºC to 200ºC (0ºC is output when the
motor temperature is 0ºC or less.)
10 Heat sink temperature (See example 1.)
0ºC to 200ºC (0ºC is output when the
motor temperature is 0ºC or less.)
12 General analog YA (0) (See example 1.) 0 to 100%
*1 This signal is output only when the V/F characteristic curve selection (see Section 4.2.18) is the
sensorless vector control, 0Hz-range sensorless vector control, or vector control with sensor.
(Example 1) When 00, 01, 02, 04, 05, 06, 07, 09, 10 or 12 is
Cycle (T): Fixed (6.4 ms)
Duty (t/T): Varied
(Example 2) When 03 or 08 us selected
Cycle (T): Varied
Duty (t/T): Fixed (1/2)
*2 Digital current monitoring
If the output current matches the digital current monitor reference value (C030), the FM terminal will output
a signal indicating 1,440 Hz.
Item Function code Range of data Description
Digital current monitor reference value C030
"0.2 x rated current" to
"2.0 x rated current" (A)
Setting of the current for
1,440 Hz output
*3 The actually detected output frequency is output when the V/F characteristic curve selection is the vector control
with sensor (A044 = 05).
*4 For detail of the function, refer “Programming software EZ-SQ user manual”.
*5 When b086 (frequency scaling conversion facto is set, the value converted by gain is diplayed. (refer 4.1.7 Scaled
output frequency monitoring)
(2) FM terminal analog meter adjustment
Adjust the inverter output gain for the external meter connected to the FM terminal.
Item Function code Range of data Description
[FM] terminal analog meter
C105 50. to 200. (%)
Setting of the gain for
FM monitoring
C027: [FM] siginal selection
b081: [FM] terminal analog meter
C030: Digital current monitor reference
C105: [FM] terminal analog meter
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