
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions
4 - 98
4.3.4 Torque biasing function
The torque biasing function allows you to make the inverter bias the
torque command generated during the operation in speed control mode.
You can effectively use this function for inverter applications to a lift or
other elevating machines.
Item Function code Data or range of data Description
00 None
01 Bias setting from the digital operator
Torque biasing mode
02 Bias setting via the O2 terminal (*1)
Torque bias setting P037 -200 to +200 (%) Valid when "P036" = "01"
00 Depending on the sign of bias value Torque biasing polarity
selection (*2)
01 Depending on the motor rotation direction
*1 When the torque bias is set as a signal input via the O2 terminal, the inverter recognizes the signal
voltage -10 to +10 (V) as the bias value -200 to +200 (%).
*2 1) When "00" (depending on the sign of the bias value) is specified:
Regardless of the direction of motor rotation, torque in the forward direction increases when the
torque bias signal indicates a positive (+) value. Torque in the reverse direction increases when
the torque bias signal indicates a negative (-) value.
2) When "01" (depending on the motor rotation direction) is specified:
The sign of the bias value indicated by the torque bias signal and the direction of the torque
biasing change according to the rotation direction specified by the operation command.
With a forward operation command: the torque is generated in the same direction as that specified
by the sign of the torque bias value.
With a reverse operation command: the torque is generated in the opposite direction to that
specified by the sign of the torque bias value.
4.3.5 Torque control function
The torque control function is effective in the V2 control mode.
You can use the inverter not only under the speed control or
pulse train position control but also with this torque control
function. You can use this function effectively for inverter
applications to, for example, a winding machine.
To operate the inverter to drive the motor under torque control,
assign function "52" (ATR) to an intelligent input terminal. The
torque command input is enabled when the ATR terminal is on.
You can select one of four torque command input methods
(digital operator and three analog input terminals) by the torque
command input selection (P034).
Item Function code Data or range of data Description
00 Input from the O terminal
01 Input from the OI terminal
02 Input from the O2 terminal
Torque command input
03 Input from the digital operator
Torque command setting P034 0 to 200 (%)
Torque setting for the input from the digital
operator (P033 = 03)
00 Depending on the sign of torque value Polarity selection at the torque
command input via the O2
01 Depending on the motor rotation direction
Speed limit for
torque-controlled operation
(forward rotation)
0.00 to 99.99 or 100.0 to
400.0 (Hz)
Speed limit for
torque-controlled operation
(reverse rotation)
0.00 to 99.99 or 100.0 to
400.0 (Hz)
00 None
01 Bias setting from the digital operator
Torque biasing mode selection P036
02 Bias setting via the O2 terminal
Torque bias setting P037 -200 to +200 (%) Valid when "P036" = "01"
00 Depending on the sign of bias value Torque biasing polarity
01 Depending on the motor rotation direction
Terminal function C001 to C008 52 ATR: Permission for torque command input
P036: Torque biasing mode selection
P037: Torque bias setting
P038: Torque biasing polarity selection
d010: Torque bias monitoring
Related code
P033: Torque command input selection
P034: Torque command setting
P035: Polarity selection at the torque
command input via the O2 terminal
P039: Speed limit for torque-controlled
operation (forward rotation)
P040: Speed limit for torque-controlled
operation (reverse rotation)
d009/d010/d012: Torque command monitoring
P036: Torque biasing mode selection
P037: Torque bias setting
P038: Torque biasing polarity selection
d010: Torque bias monitoring
C001 to C008: Terminal [1] to [8] functions
Related code