Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions
4 - 76
4.2.84 Function code display restriction
The function code display restriction function allows you to arbitrarily
switch the display mode or the display content on the digital operator.
Item Function code Data Description
00 Full display
01 Function-specific display
02 User setting
03 Data comparison display
Function code
display restriction
04 Basic display
no No assignment
User parameters U001 to U012
d001 to P131
Selection of the code to be displayed (All
codes are selectable.)
(1) Function-specific display mode
If a specific function has not been selected, the monitor does not display the parameters concerning the
specific function.
The following table lists the details of display conditions:
No. Display condition Parameter displayed when the display condition is met
1 A001 = 01
A005, A006, A011 to A016, A101, A102, A111 to A114,
C081 to C083, and C121 to C123
2 A001 = 10 A141 to A143
3 A002 = 01, 03, 04, or 05 b087
4 A017 = 01 d025 to d027, P100 to P131
5 A041 = 01 A046 and A047
6 A044 = 00 or 01 A041, A042 and A043
7 A044 = 03, 04 or 05 H002, H005, H050
8 A044 = 04 H060, H061
9 A = 03, 04, or 05 and H002 = 00 H020 to H024
10 A = 03, 04, or 05 and H002 = 01 or 02 H030 to H034
11 A044 and/or A244 = 03, 04, or 05
d008 to d010, d012, b040 to b046, H001, and H070 to
12 A044 and/or A244 = 02 b100 to b113
13 A051 = 01 or 02 A052 and A056 to A058
14 A051 = 01 or 02 A053 to A055, and A059
15 A071 = 01 or 02
d004, A005, A006, A011 to A016, A072 to A078, A101,
A102, A111 to A114,
C044, C052, C053, C081 to C083, and C121 to C123
16 A076 = 10 A141 to A143
17 A094 = 01 or 02 A095 and A096
18 A097 = 01, 02, 03 or 04 A131
19 A098 = 01, 02, 03 or 04 A132
20 b013, b213, and/or b313 = 02 b015 to b020
21 b021 = 01, 02 or 03 b022 and b023
22 b024 = 01, 02 or 03 b025 and b026
23 b050 = 01 b051 to b054
24 b095 = 01 or 02 b090 and b096
25 b098 = 01 or 02 b099 and C085
26 b120 = 01 b121 to b127
b037: Function code display restriction
U001 to U012: User parameters
Related code