
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions
4 - 117
The commands are described below.
(i) 00 command: This command instructs the inverter to drive the motor (for forward or reverse rotation)
or stop the motor. (To use this command, set "A002" to "03" [RS485].)
- Transmission frame
Frame format
STX Station No. Command Data BCC CR
Description Data size Setting
STX Control code (Start of TeXt) 1 byte STX (0x02)
Station No.
Station number of control-target
2 bytes 01 to 32, or FF (broadcast to all stations)
Command Command to be transmitted 2 bytes 00
Data Data to be transmitted 1 byte See Note 1.
BCC Block check code 2 bytes
XOR of the items from "Station No." to "Data."
See Item (3) of this section.
CR Control code (Carriage Return) 1 byte CR (0x0D)
Note 1:
Data Description Remarks
0 Stop command
1 Forward rotation command
2 Reverse rotation command
(Example) When sending a forward rotation command to the inverter with station No. 01:
(STX) |01|00|1| (BCC) | (CR) 02|30 31|30 30|31|33 30|0D
- Response frame
Positive response: See Item (2)-(i) of this section.
Negative response: See Item (2)-(ii) of this section.
(ii) 01 command: This command sets the inverter output frequency. (To use this command, set "A001" to
"03" [RS485].)
- Transmission frame
Frame format
STX Station No. Command Data BCC CR
Description Data size Setting
STX Control code (Start of TeXt) 1 byte STX (0x02)
Station No.
Station number of control-target
2 bytes 01 to 32, or FF (broadcast to all stations)
Command Command to be transmitted 2 bytes 01
Data to be sent (decimal ASCII
6 bytes See Note 2.
BCC Block check code 2 bytes
XOR of the items from "Station No." to "Data."
See Item (3) of this section.
CR Control code (Carriage Return) 1 byte CR (0x0D)
Note 2: For example, to set the output frequency of the inverter with station No. 01 to 5 Hz, the data is as
(STX) |01|01|000500| (BCC) | (CR) 02|30 31|30 31|30 30 30 35 30
30|30 35|0D
Note 3: The data indicates a value 100 times as large as the actual frequency value to be set.
(Example) 5 (Hz) 500 000500 30 30 30 35 30 30
Note 4: When using the data as the feedback data for PID control, set the most-significant byte to "1".
(Example) 5 (%) 500 100500 31 30 30 35 30 30
- Response frame
Positive response: See Item (2)-(i) of this section.
Negative response: See Item (2)-(ii) of this section.
Conversion into ASCII format
Conversion into ASCII format
Conversion into ASCII format
Conversion into ASCII format