Emerson Process Management 5300 Marine RADAR User Manual

Reference Manual
00809-0100-4530, Rev BA
July 2009
Rosemount 5300 Series
MAINT_ALM 78 Alarm indicating the device needs maintenance soon. If the condition is ignored, the
device will eventually fail.
MAINT_ENABLE 75 Enabled MAINT_ALM alarm conditions. Corresponds bit for bit to the MAINT_ACTIVE. A
bit on means that the corresponding alarm condition is enabled and will be detected. A bit
off means the corresponding alarm condition is disabled and will not be detected.
MAINT_MASK 76 Mask of MAINT_ALM. Corresponds bit of bit to MAINT_ACTIVE. A bit on means that the
condition is masked out from alarming.
MAINT_PRI 74 Designates the alarming priority of the MAINT_ALM
MANUFAC_ID 10 Manufacturer identification number – used by an interface device to locate the DD file for
the resource.
MAX_NOTIFY 31 Maximum number of unconfirmed notify messages possible.
MEMORY_SIZE 22 Available configuration memory in the empty resource. To be checked before
attempting a download.
MESSAGE_DATE 57 Date associated with the MESSAGE_TEXT parameter.
MESSAGE_TEXT 58 Used to indicate changes made by the user to the device's installation, configuration,
or calibration.
MIN_CYCLE_T 21 Time duration of the shortest cycle interval of which the resource is capable.
MISC_OPTION 47 Indicates which miscellaneous licensing options are enabled.
MODE_BLK 05 The actual, target, permitted, and normal modes of the block:
Target: The mode to “go to”
Actual: The mode the “block is currently in”
Permitted: Allowed modes that target may take on
Normal: Most common mode for actual
NV_CYCLE_T 23 Minimum time interval specified by the manufacturer for writing copies of NV parameters
to non-volatile memory. Zero means it will never be automatically copied. At the end of
NV_CYCLE_T, only those parameters which have changed need to be updated in
OUTPUT_BOARD_SN 53 Output board serial number.
PWA_SIMULATE 85 Parameter allowing simulation of PWA alarms.
RB_SFTWR_REV_ALL 51 The string will contains the following fields:
Major rev: 1-3 characters, decimal number 0-255
Minor rev: 1-3 characters, decimal number 0-255
Build rev: 1-5 characters, decimal number 0-255
Time of build: 8 characters, xx:xx:xx, military time
Day of week of build: 3 characters, Sun, Mon,...
Month of build: 3 characters, Jan, Feb.
Day of month of build: 1-2 characters, decimal number 1-31
Year of build: 4 characters, decimal
Builder: 7 characters, login name of builder
RB_SFTWR_REV_BUILD 50 Build of software that the resource block was created with.
RB_SFTWR_REV_MAJOR 48 Major revision of software that the resource block was created with.
RB_SFTWR_REV_MINOR 49 Minor revision of software that the resource block was created with.
RECOMMENDED_ACTION 68 Enumerated list of recommended actions displayed with a device alert.
RESTART 16 Allows a manual restart to be initiated. Several degrees of restart are possible. They are
the following:
1 Run – nominal state when not restarting
2 Restart resource – not used
3 Restart with defaults – set parameters to default values. See
START_WITH_DEFAULTS below for which parameters are set.
4 Restart processor – does a warm start of CPU.
RS_STATE 07 State of the function block application state machine.
SAVE_CONFIG_BLOCKS 62 Number of EEPROM blocks that have been modified since last burn. This value will
count down to zero when the configuration is saved.