H Communications without Configurator: Fixed Allocation
Applicable PC CV Series C200HX/HG/HE C200HS
Master Unit CVM1-DRM21-V1 C200HW-DRM21-V1
Supported communica-
Remote I/O and messages Remote I/O and mes-
Remote I/O
Max. No. of Slaves per
Master Unit
63 50 32
Max. No. of controlled
points per Master Unit
2,048 1,600 1,024
Allocation areas OUT: CIO 1900 to CIO 1963
IN: CIO 2000 to CIO 2063
OUT: IR 050 to IR 099
IN: IR 350 to IR 399
OUT: IR 50 to IR 81
IN: IR 350 to IR 381
Allocation method Words are allocated for each node to the above data areas in node address or-
der only.
8-point Slaves: Allocated 1 word
16-point Slaves:Allocated 1 word
Slaves with more than 16 points: Allocated multiple words
Max. No.
Without ex-
plicit mes-
4 words remote I/O: 32
6 words remote I/O: 21
4 words remote I/O: 25
6 words remote I/O: 16
4 words remote I/O: 16
6 words remote I/O: 10
With explicit
4 words remote I/O: 32
6 words remote I/O: 21
4 words remote I/O: 25
6 words remote I/O: 16
H Communications with Configurator: Free Allocation
Applicable PC CV-series C200HX/HG/HE C200HS
Master Unit CVM1-DRM21-V1 C200HW-DRM21-V1
Supported communications Remote I/O and
Remote I/O and mes-
Remote I/O
Max. No of Slaves per Mas-
ter Unit
63 63 63
Max. No. of controlled points
per Master Unit
6,400 (100 words
4 blocks)
Without messages:
With messages: 1,600
1,280 (total of 4 blocks)
Allocation areas
Core I/O Area:
CIO 0000 to
CIO 2555
CIO 0000 to
CIO 2427 for
IR Area 1: IR 000 to IR 235
IR Area 2: IR 300 to IR 511
CPU Bus Link
G008 to G255
HR Area: HR 00 to HR 99
LR Area: LR 00 to LR 63
DM Area:
D00000 to
D00000 to
D08191 for
01 (-Vj)
DM Area:
DM 0000 to DM 5999
DM 0000 to DM 4095
for C200HE-CPU11 (-Z)
DM Area:
DM 0000 to DM 5999
Functions and System Configuration Chapter 1