Lucent Technologies 6.1 Marine Radio User Manual

MERLIN LEGENDCommunications System Release 6.1
System Planning
Issue 1
August 1998
Page 3-57Assigning Telephone Buttons
Telephones in Key and Behind Switch Mode 3
The line buttons you assign to the telephones, or to the adjuncts connected
through an MLX telephone using an MFM, are the following:
Intercom Ring (ICOM Ring) button
Intercom Voice (ICOM Voice) button
Intercom Originate Only (ICOM Orig Only) button
Loudspeaker Paging button
Personal line button (Key mode only)
Prime line button (Behind Switch mode only)
In Behind Switch operating mode, the system automatically assigns two
prime lines to each port on an MLX module — one for the MLX telephone
and one for the device connected to the Multi-Function Module (MFM). If an
MFM is not connected to an MLX telephone or the MLX port is not used, the
prime line for the MFM can be removed. The prime line can then be
assigned to other users.
Factory Assignments 3
The system automatically assigns certain kinds of line buttons depending on the
type of equipment and the mode of operation:
In Key mode, the system assigns an ICOM Ring button and an
ICOM Voice button; the first eight outside lines connected to the control
unit are assigned to each nonoperator multiline telephone, beginning with
Button 3.
In the Behind Switch mode, the system assigns an ICOM Voice button, an
ICOM Ring button, and one prime line button (Button 3) to every
nonoperator multiline telephone.
For either mode, the line/trunk assignment is the same for both analog
multiline and MLX telephones.
Figure 3–4
illustrates the factory-set button assignments for MLX telephones.
Figure 3–5
illustrates the factory-set button assignments for analog multiline