MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
June 1997
Putting the System to Work
Page 5-2Scenario 1: A Small Office
Scenario 1: A Small Office 5
This scenario describes a private medical practice. The staff includes one
physician, a nurse, an office manager, a billing clerk, the operator/receptionist,
and an appointments/payments clerk.
All incoming calls come through the operator/receptionist, who transfers them to
the appropriate person. A special concern is restricting outgoing calls for phones
in common areas, for example, the waiting room and physical therapy room.
The office manager also functions as the system manager.
Staff Needs 5
This section describes the needs of the staff members and provides a floor plan of
the office.
Table 5–1
describes the staff member needs. Figure 5–1 illustrates the layout of
the office.
Table 5–1. Medical Office Needs
Staff Member Needs
Physician Personal line in her office; if she is not available, the
appointments/payments clerk should take these calls.
Minimal interruptions when with patients. At these times, the
operator/receptionist or nurse should take messages; the physician
must be notified of urgent calls.
Ability to beep the nurse’s station when she needs assistance
Ability to make unrestricted calls from own phone, staff lounge, and
meeting room
Nurse Quick dialing of primary local pharmacy numbers
Office Manager
(System Manager)
Ability to generate reports on system use
As system manager, needs programming privileges and a
programming console
PC with modem
Fax machine
Continued on next page