MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
June 1997
Managing the System
Page 6-2Using the Task Descriptions
Using the Task Descriptions 6
Each task description contains the following information:
■ A brief description of the task
■ Guidelines for planning the change
■ A task checklist that includes references to other system reference guides
for additional information, if needed
■ Programming instructions that contain summary programming procedures
for programming from the console and from a PC with SPM
The task descriptions fall loosely into the following categories:
■ System tasks (setting system date and time; backing up the system)
■ Extensions (adding, moving, or removing an extension; changing calling
■ Lines (adding and removing)
■ Operator consoles (adding a DLC or QCC operator position and adding
operator features)
■ Auxiliary equipment connections
■ Group assignments (calling groups, Allowed Lists, Disallowed Lists, Group
Coverage, and Night Service with Group Assignment)
■ Labels (changing displays for Extension Directory, trunks, Posted
Messages, and calling groups)
To perform a task, follow these general steps:
1. Review the entire task description.
2. Obtain the system planning form(s) noted in the task description.
3. Using the planning guidelines in the task description, plan the changes and
record them on the planning form(s). For more information, you may want
to refer to the feature description in the
Feature Reference
or the
appropriate section in
System Programming.
You should become familiar with the detailed instructions in
before you use the summary programming
instructions provided in the task descriptions.
4. Program the changes using either the detailed, step-by-step programming
procedure in
System Programming
or the summary programming
instructions that follow the task list. You can photocopy the task list and use
it to check off tasks as you complete them.
For more information, refer to the following guides: