MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
June 1997
Troubleshooting the System
Page 8-27Secondary Announcements Not Playing as Programmed
■ Consult the
PassageWay Telephony Services Network Manager’s Guide
for troubleshooting information.
■ If you cannot solve the problem yourself, call the Lucent Technologies
Helpline at 1 800 628-2888 (consultation charges may apply.
Secondary Announcements Not
Playing as Programmed 8
In Release 5.0 and later systems, as many as ten primary delay announcement
devices and one secondary device can be assigned to play messages for callers
waiting for calling group agents. When a delay announcement is first set up or is
changed, it may be necessary to adjust the interval between announcements; this
interval applies to the delay between the primary and secondary announcements
as well as to the interval between repetitions of the secondary announcement (if
the secondary announcement is programmed to repeat).
Problems occur when the actual delay interval experienced by callers is not the
same as the programmed interval and callers do not hear the secondary
announcement when you planned it. The seriousness of the problem can be
analyzed through the use of a programmed Calls-in-Queue alarm button that
responds to tiered alarm thresholds.
Feature Reference
includes detailed information about setting up
Group Calling delay announcements and other calling group options.
Consult the
Feature Reference
System Programming
as you
troubleshoot announcement delays.
To analyze a problem with secondary announcements, follow these preliminary
1. The Calls In Queue Alarm Threshold setting should determine when an
alarm is signalled. Set the overflow threshold time to 0.
2. Set up primary and secondary announcements of durations that seem
appropriate for your needs.
3. Specify a reasonable announcement interval (for example, 30 seconds).
4. Refer to Table 8–1
and divide the announcement interval (Y) by the length
of the secondary announcement (Z).
5. Round off the result and use this value as an alarm threshold when a
Calls-in-Queue Alarm button signals a problem.