MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
June 1997
Troubleshooting the System
Page 8-15Night Service Not Working
■ If the replacement telephone cannot transfer a call, there may be a problem
with the system wiring or the control unit. Call the Lucent Technologies
Helpline at 1 800 628-2888 (consultation charges may apply).
Night Service Not Working 8
1. Be sure to change the system time appropriately when Daylight
Savings Time starts and when it ends. System time affects the
functioning of several system features, including Automatic Backup,
Night Service, Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) reports,
standalone auto attendant systems, voice mail, and Reminder Service.
2. In Release 4.1 and later systems, Night Service with Coverage Control
affects the status of voice mail coverage for extensions with
programmed Coverage VMS Off buttons. If you are having problems
with this aspect of Night Service, see ‘‘
Calls Not Going to Voice Mail’’,
beginning with Possible Cause 3 on page 8-17
Possible Cause 1:
The system time and/or day may be set incorrectly.
What to do: Use system programming to check the setting of the system time and
date (see Chapter 3 in
System Programming
) or check the time at an MLX display
■ If the settings are incorrect, correct them and activate Night Service again.
If it is now working, you have solved the problem. If not, go to Possible
Cause 2.
■ If the settings are correct, go to Possible Cause 2.
Possible Cause 2: If the system has Night Service with Time Set, the start and
stop time or day of week may be set incorrectly (see Chapter 3 in
What to do: Use system programming to check the settings for the Night Service
with Time Set daily start and stop times.
■ If the settings are incorrect, correct them and activate Night Service again.
If it is now working, you have solved the problem. If not, go to Possible
Cause 3.
■ If the settings are correct, go to Possible Cause 3.