MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
June 1997
Managing the System
Page 6-35Using Reports
■ Allowed Lists Assigned to Extensions
■ Disallowed Lists
■ Disallowed Lists Assigned to Extensions
■ Automatic Route Selection
■ Tables
■ Extension Directory
■ System Directory
■ Group Page
■ Extension Information
■ Group Coverage
■ Group Calling
■ Night Service
■ Call Pickup Groups
■ Error Logs
■ Authorization Codes
Printing SMDR Reports 6
SMDR reports consist of SMDR call records that print sequentially on a serial
printer connected to the SMDR jack on the control unit. If the printer is off, is out of
paper, or has a paper jam, up to 100 SMDR records are stored in the SMDR
queue. The printing of system programming reports takes precedence; while
these reports are printing, SMDR records are stored in the queue.
For more information, see “Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)” in the
Feature Reference
Printing System Programming Reports 6
System programming reports can be printed out or viewed on the screen of a PC
with SPM or printed out on a serial printer connected to the SMDR jack on the
processor module in the control unit. You can print individual reports or use the
All option to print the entire set of available reports, including all report sections
and options. See Appendix F of
System Programming
for samples of the print
For more information, see “Print Reports” in Chapter 4,
System Programming