Intel® Server Board SE7501WV2 TPS BIOS
Revision 1.0
Intel reference number C25653-001
6.44.3 Processor Information
Processor Information returns information about the system processors.
Call With AH = DAh
AL = 92h
CL = Processor number (0…7)
Returns AL = Stepping ID
AH = Model
BL = Family
BH = Number of processors supported by platform
CX = Processor bus speed in BCD (MHz)
DX = Processor core speed in BCD (MHz)
CF = 0 Success, or
= 1 Processor not present, or
= 1 Function not supported (If AH=86h)
If processor not present, (AH)=87h, (CF)=1
If function not supported, (AH)=86h, (CF)=1
Note: The processor number that is passed in (CL) as input refers to the physical position of
the processor.
6.44.4 Extended NVRAM Services
The SE7501WV2 server BIOS supports NVRAM read and write to specific areas in the NVRAM
to support option ROMs that need NVRAM storage. These services are enabled based on the
platform requirements.
Call With AH = Dah
AL = 20h
BL = 85 Read Extended NVRAM/Flash
= 86 Write Extended NVRAM/Flash
BH = 0 ESCD area
= 1 SCSIA area
= 2 SCSIB area
= 3 LCD User String area
= 4 System limits area
= 5 User NVRAM area
= 6 Multiboot area
= 7 GUID/UUID area (data buffer must contain special signatures for the write call
to succeed, read always works)
ES:DI = Pointer to data buffer