BIOS Intel® Server Board SE7501WV2 TPS
Revision 1.0
Intel reference number C25653-001
Returns ES:DI = Pointer to data buffer
CF = 0 Success
= 1 Failure
Error codes:
AH = 1 Flash area not supported
= 2 Flash write failed
= 5 Invalid OEM index
= 86h Function not supported
= 88h Security failure
6.44.5 IPMB Services
The system BIOS provides real-mode calls to Read, Write, and Master Read/Write the IPMB.
The Read and Write functions are used for all master/slave I
C devices on all buses.
IPMB Services have the following characteristics:
• They are 16-bit real-mode (EMM386 cannot be running).
• They can be used for all IPMB commands.
• They can be used to communicate with any I
C controller.
• If the carry flag is set, the interface has broken or timed-out.
• The caller is responsible for providing proper inputs. No sanity check is provided.
• The caller is responsible for checking completion code.
6.44.6 INT15h, Function DA20h, Subfunction 99h/9Ah/9Bh – Read/Write/Bus
Master Write IMB
Call With AH = Dah
AL = 20h
BH = IMB Command
BL = 99h (Read) or 9Ah (Write)
CH = Bus Indicator
CL = Number of bytes to write
DH = I2C Controller Slave Address
DL[7:2] = Network Function number
DL[1:0] = LUN
ES:DI = Input/Output Buffer
Returns ES:DI = Pointer to output data (if READ)
CF = 0 Success
= 1 Function not supported (if AH = 86h)
6.45 Multiple Processor Support (MPS)
The SE7501WV2 BIOS supports one or two Intel
Xeon™ processors with 512 cache.
6.45.1 Multiprocessor Specification Support
The SE7501WV2 BIOS complies with all requirements of the Intel Multi-Processor Specification
(MPS), Revision 1.4, for symmetric multiprocessor support. The version number can be
configured using BIOS Setup. The base MP configuration table contains the following entries: