Garmin G600 Pilot’s Guide
190-00601-02 Rev. E
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& Alerts
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GlossaryAppendix A
Appendix B
4.10 Weather Radar
The G600 can display weather radar from a Garmin GWX system or from
selected 3rd-party radars. Only one weather radar system may be interfaced to
the system. For detailed information on the operation of 3rd-party radars, refer
to their specific documentation.
4.10.1 Garmin GWX 68 Radar Description
The Garmin GWX 68 Airborne Color Weather Radar is a four color digital
pulsed radar with 6.5 kilowatts of power. It combines excellent range and
adjustable scanning profiles with a high-definition target display. The pulse
width is four microseconds on all ranges except the 2.5 NM range. The GWX 68
uses a one microsecond pulse width at this range to reduce the smearing of
targets on the display. This allows better target definition at close range.
To focus radar scanning on specific areas, Sector Scanning offers pilot-
adjustable horizontal scan angles of 20º, 40º, 60º, or 90º. A vertical scanning
function helps to analyze storm tops, gradients, and cell buildup activity at
various altitudes.
Other features include:
distance of the return echo with intensity, so cells do not suddenly appear
to get larger as they get closer.
•WATCH™ (Weather Attenuated Color Highlight) which helps identify
possible “shadowing” effects of short-range cell activity – identifying
areas where radar return signals are weakened, or attenuated, by intense
precipitation (or large areas of lesser precipitation) and may not fully reflect
the “storm behind the storm.”
range, even if these ranges are not being monitored. Principles of Pulsed Airborne Weather Radar
The term RADAR is an acronym for RAdio Detecting and Ranging. Pulsed
radar locates targets by transmitting a microwave pulse beam that, upon
encountering a target, is then reflected back to the radar receiver as a return
“echo.” The microwave pulses are focused and radiated by the antenna, with
the most intense energy in the center of the beam and decreasing intensity near