iii190-00601-02 Rev. E
Garmin G600 Pilot’s Guide
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& Alerts
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Glossary Appendix A
Appendix B
WARNING: Traffic information shown on the GDU 620 Multi Function
Display is provided as an aid in visually acquiring traffic. Pilots must
maneuver the aircraft based only upon ATC guidance or positive visual
acquisition of conflicting traffic.
WARNING: Datalink weather data should not be used for hazardous
weather penetration. Weather information provided by the GDL 69/69A
is approved only for weather avoidance, not penetration.
WARNING: Datalink weather radar data is to be used for long-range
planning purposes only. Due to inherent delays in data transmission and
the relative age of the data, Datalink weather radar data should not be
used for short-range weather avoidance.
WARNING: For safety reasons, GDU 620 operational procedures must be
learned on the ground.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of unsafe operation, carefully review and
understand all aspects of the G600 Pilot’s Guide. Thoroughly practice
basic operation prior to actual use. During flight operations, carefully
compare indications from the GDU 620 to all available navigation sources,
including the information from other NAVAIDs, visual sightings, charts, etc.
For safety purposes, always resolve any discrepancies before continuing
WARNING: Never use the GDU 620 to attempt to penetrate a thunderstorm.
Both the FAA Advisory Circular, Subject: Thunderstorms, and the Airman’s
Information Manual (AIM) recommend avoiding “by at least 20 miles any
thunderstorm identified as severe or giving an intense radar echo”.
WARNING: Exceeding 200 deg/second in pitch or roll may invalidate AHRS
attitude provided to the GDU 620. Exceeding 450 KIAS may invalidate ADC
information provided to the GDU 620.