1-11190-00601-02 Rev. E
Garmin G600 Pilot’s Guide
Sec 1
Sec 2
Sec 3
Sec 4
Sec 5
Sec 6
& Alerts
Sec 7
Sec 8
Glossary Appendix A
Appendix B
1.2 System Power Up
NOTE: See the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) for specific procedures
concerning avionics power application and emergency power supply
NOTE: Refer to Section 6 for system-specific annunciations and alerts.
The G600 System is integrated with the aircraft electrical system and receives
power directly from electrical busses. The GDU 620 and supporting sub-systems
include both power-on and continuous built-in test features that exercise the
processor, memory, external inputs, and outputs to ensure safe operation.
During system initialization, test annunciations are displayed. All system
annunciations should disappear typically within the first 30 seconds after power-
up. Upon power-up, bezel key backlights also become momentarily illuminated
on the GDU 620 display bezel.
On the PFD, the AHRS begins to initialize and “AHRS ALIGN: Keep Wings
Level” is displayed. The AHRS should display valid attitude and heading fields
typically within the first minute after power-up. The AHRS can align itself both
while taxiing and during level flight.
NOTE: Fastest AHRS alignment is achieved with the aircraft stationary
and with all AHRS inputs valid (3-D GPS position, magnetometer, and
air data). During initial power up on the ground, no GPS position and/or
magnetic anomalies are common. If the aircraft is taxied prior to AHRS
alignment, alignment may be delayed until after a valid 3-D GPS position
is available.
NOTE: During in-flight alignment of the AHRS, minimize aircraft
maneuvering. The AHRS will align with shallow banking and pitch angles
(less than 20 degrees of roll or 5 degrees of pitch). AHRS alignment may
not be possible during more aggressive maneuvers.