Common specifications
7.2 Common specifications
*1 Available only when the option (FR-A7AP/FR-A7AL) is mounted.
*2 Available only when the option (FR-A7AL) is mounted.
*3 Can be displayed only on the operation panel (FR-DU07).
*4 Can be displayed only on the parameter unit (FR-PU07).
*5 Temperature applicable for a short period in transit, etc.
*6 This protective function is not available in the initial status.
Control specifications
Control method
Soft-PWM control/high carrier frequency PWM control (V/F control, Advanced magnetic flux vector control and Real sensorless
vector control are available) / vector control
Output frequency range 0.2 to 400Hz (The maximum frequency is 120Hz under Real sensorless vector control and vector control.)
Analog input
0.015Hz/60Hz (terminal 2, 4: 0 to 10V/12bit)
0.03Hz/60Hz (terminal 2, 4: 0 to 5V/11bit, 0 to 20mA/about 11bit, terminal 1: 0 to ±10V/12bit)
0.06Hz/60Hz (terminal 1: 0 to ±5V/11bit)
Digital input 0.01Hz
Analog input Within ±0.2% of the max. output frequency (25°C±10°C)
Digital input Within 0.01% of the set output frequency
Voltage/frequency characteristics Base frequency can be set from 0 to 400Hz Constant torque/variable torque pattern or adjustable 5 points V/F can be selected
Starting torque 150% at 0.3Hz (under Real sensorless vector control or vector control *1)
Torque boost Manual torque boost
Acceleration/deceleration time
0 to 3600s (acceleration and deceleration can be set individually), linear or S-pattern acceleration/deceleration mode, backlash
measures acceleration/deceleration mode are available.
DC injection brake Operation frequency (0 to 120Hz), operation time (0 to 10s), operation voltage (0 to 30%) can be changed
Stall prevention operation level Operation current level can be set (0 to 220% adjustable), whether to use the function or not can be selected
Torque limit level Torque limit value can be set (0 to 400% variable)
Operation specifications
Analog input • Terminal 2, 4: 0 to 10V, 0 to 5V, 4 to 20mA (0 to 20mA) can be selected• Terminal 1: -10 to +10V, -5 to +5V can be selected
Digital input
Input using the setting dial of the operation panel or parameter unit
Four-digit BCD or 16 bit binary (when used with option FR-A7AX)
Start signal Forward and reverse rotation or start signal automatic self-holding input (3-wire input) can be selected.
Input signals (twelve terminals)
The following signals can be assigned to
Pr. 178 to Pr. 189 (input terminal function selection)
: multi speed selection, remote setting, stop-
on-contact, second function selection, third function selection, terminal 4 input selection, jog operation selection, selection of
automatic restart after instantaneous power failure, flying start, external thermal relay input, PU operation/external inter lock signal,
external DC injection brake operation start, PID control enable terminal, brake opening completion signal, PU operation/External
operation switchover, load pattern selection forward rotation reverse rotation boost, V/F switching, load torque high-speed frequency,
S-pattern acceleration/deceleration C switchover, pre-excitation, output stop, start self-holding selection, control mode changing,
torque limit selection, start-time tuning start external input, torque bias selection 1, 2
, P/PI control switchover, forward rotation
command, reverse rotation command, inverter reset, PTC thermistor input, PID forward reverse operation switchover, PU-NET
operation switchover, NET-External operation switchover, command source switchover, simple position pulse train sign
, simple
position droop pulse clear
, magnetic flux decay output shutoff.
Pulse train input 100kpps
Operational functions
Maximum/minimum frequency setting, frequency jump operation, external thermal relay input selection, polarity reversible operation,
automatic restart after instantaneous power failure operation, electronic bypass operation, forward/reverse rotation prevention,
remote setting, brake sequence, second function, third function, multi-speed operation, original operation continuation at
instantaneous power failure, stop-on-contact control, load torque high speed frequency control, droop control, regeneration
avoidance, slip compensation, operation mode selection, offline auto tuning function, online auto tuning function, PID control,
computer link operation (RS-485), motor end orientation
*1, machine end orientation *2, pre-excitation, notch filter, machine analyzer
*1, easy gain tuning, speed feed forward, and torque bias *1
Output signals
Open collector output (5
relay output (1 terminal)
The following signals can be assigned to Pr. 190 to Pr. 196 (output terminal function selection): inverter running, inverter running/start
command on, up-to-frequency, instantaneous power failure/undervoltage, overload warning, output frequency (speed) detection,
second output frequency (speed) detection, third output frequency (speed) detection, electronic thermal relay function pre-alarm, PU
operation mode, inverter operation ready, output current detection, zero current detection, PID lower limit, PID upper limit, PID
forward rotation reverse rotation output, electronic bypass MC1, electronic bypass MC2, electronic bypass MC3, orientation fault
brake opening request, fan fault output, heatsink overheat pre-alarm, deceleration at an instantaneous power failure, PID control
activated, during retry, PID output interruption, position control preparation ready
*1, life alarm, fault output 1, 2, 3 (power-off signal),
power savings average value update timing, current average monitor, maintenance timer alarm, remote output, forward rotation
*1, reverse rotation output *1, low speed output, torque detection, regenerative status output *1, start-time tuning completion,
in-position completion
*1, alarm output and fault output. Alarm code of the inverter can be output (4 bit) from the open collector.
Operating status
When used with the FR-
A7AY, FR-A7AR (option)
In addition to above, the following signal can be assigned to Pr.313 to Pr. 319 (extension output terminal function selection): control circuit
capacitor life, main circuit capacitor life, cooling fan life, inrush current limit circuit life. (only positive logic can be set for extension
terminals of the FR-A7AR)
Pulse train output 50kpps
For meter
Pulse train output
(Max. 2.4kHz: one terminal)
Analog output
(Max. 10VDC: one terminal)
The following signals can be assigned to
Pr. 54 FM terminal function selection (pulse train output)
Pr. 158 AM terminal function selection
(analog output)
: output frequency, motor current (steady or peak value), output voltage, frequency setting, operation speed, motor
torque, converter output voltage (steady or peak value), electronic thermal relay function load factor, input power, output power, load
meter, motor excitation current, reference voltage output, motor load factor, power saving effect, PID set point, PID measured value,
motor output, torque command, torque current command, and torque monitor.
unit (FR-
Operating status
The following operating status can be displayed: Output frequency, motor current (steady or peak value), output voltage, frequency
setting, running speed, motor torque, overload, converter output voltage (steady or peak value), electronic thermal relay function
load factor, input power, output power, load meter, motor excitation current, position pulse
*1, cumulative energization time,
orientation status *1, actual operation time, motor load factor, cumulative power, energy saving effect, cumulative saving power,
regenerative brake duty, PID set point, PID measured value, PID deviation, inverter I/O terminal monitor, input terminal option
monitor*3, output terminal option monitor*3, option fitting status*4, terminal assignment status*4, torque command, torque current
command, feed back pulse*1, motor output
Fault record
Fault record is displayed when a fault occurs, the output voltage/current/frequency/cumulative energization time right before the fault
occurs and past 8 fault records are stored.
Interactive guidance Function (help) for operation guide*4
Protective function
Overcurrent during acceleration, overcurrent during constant speed, overcurrent during deceleration, overvoltage during
acceleration, overvoltage during constant speed, overvoltage during deceleration, inverter protection thermal operation, motor
protection thermal operation, heatsink overheat, instantaneous power failure occurrence, undervoltage, input phase loss
*6, motor
overload, output side earth (ground) fault overcurrent, output short circuit, main circuit element overheat, output phase loss, external
thermal relay operation
*6, PTC thermistor operation*6, option fault, parameter error, PU disconnection, retry count excess*6, CPU
fault, operation panel power supply short circuit, 24VDC power output short circuit, output current detection value excess
*6, inrush
current limit circuit fault, communication fault (inverter), USB fault, opposite rotation deceleration fault
*6, analog input fault, speed
deviation large
*1*6, overspeed *1*6, excessive position fault *1*6, signal loss detection *1*6, brake sequence fault*6, encoder phase
*1*6, regeneration converter overcurrent, regeneration converter circuit fault, regeneration converter transistor protection thermal,
internal circuit fault, power supply fault
Warning function
Fan fault, overcurrent stall prevention, overvoltage stall prevention, electronic thermal relay function prealarm, PU stop, maintenance
timer alarm
*6, parameter write error, copy operation error, operation panel lock, password locked, parameter copy alarm, speed limit
Surrounding air temperature -10°C to +50°C (non-freezing)
Ambient humidity 90%RH maximum (non-condensing)
Storage temperature*5 -20°C to +65°C
Atmosphere Indoors (without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt etc.)
Maximum 1000mabove sea level for standard operation. 5.9m/s
or less at 10 to 55Hz (directions of X, Y, Z axes)