Auxiliary functions (Pr. 156, Pr. 157)
3.17.2 OL signal output timer (Pr. 157 )
Refer to the following table and set the parameter.
• When torque limit (stall prevention) activates, acceleration/deceleration may not be made according to
the preset acceleration/deceleration time. Set Pr. 156 and stall prevention operation level to the
optimum values.
• In vertical lift applications, make setting so that the fast response current limit is not activated.
Torque may not be produced, causing a drop due to gravity.
Always perform test operation.
Stall prevention operation performed during acceleration may increase the acceleration time.
Stall prevention operation performed during constant speed may cause sudden speed changes.
Stall prevention operation performed during deceleration may increase the deceleration time,
increasing the deceleration distance.
Use this parameter to set whether the overload alarm signal (OL signal) is output immediately or a preset
period of time after occurrence of an overload status.
Parameter Name Factory Setting Setting Range Remarks
157 OL signal output timer 0s 0 to 25s, 9999 9999: No signal output
Pr. 157 Setting Description
0 Output immediately.
0.1 to 25 Output after the set time (s) has elapsed.
9999 Overload alarm signal is not output.
Related parameters
• OL signal terminal assignment ⇒ Set 3 in any of Pr. 190 to Pr. 192, Pr. 195 (output terminal function selection). (Refer to page 152.)
Pr.158 Refer to Pr. 54 (page 97).
speed torque position
Overload status
(OL action)
OL output signal
Set time (s)
V/F control .......... On when stall prevention operation level is exceeded.
Speed control ......On when torque limit is activated.
Torque control ..... On when speed limit is activated.
Position control ... On when torque limit is activated.