Performance Tests
Performance Verification
ăStep 5:ăSet the mainframe Vert Size as follows:
Vert Size icon touch............................................
Set Vert Size:M1 to 2 mV/div adjust upper knob................
ăStep 6:ăSet the record length as follows:
Horizontal Desc (in major menu) touch..........................
Main Record Length (in popĆup menu) touch.....................
Set Main Record Len to 5120 points adjust upper knob............
ăStep 7:ăStore the trace as follows:
STORE/RECALL button press...................................
Store Trace (in major menu) touch...........................
Trace 1 (in popĆup menu) touch..............................
Note that you must touch Trace 1 even though it is highlighted in
the menu.
Recall Trace (in major menu) touch..........................
STO 1 (in popĆup menu) touch...............................
ăStep 8:ăMeasure the Mean value as follows:
MEASURE button press........................................
Measurements (in major menu) touch........................
Mean (in popĆup menu) touch...............................
Exit Menu (in popĆup menu) touch...........................
Record (write down) the mean value for use in the next step.
ăStep 9:ăDefine the trace to be stored as follows:
Def Tra icon touch.............................................
Stored Traces (in popĆup menu) touch.......................
Stored 1 (in popĆup menu) touch............................
Enter STO1 - (mean value) touch............................
Use the popĆup key pad to enter the STO1 - (mean value)
recorded in Step 8.
For example, if mean value is 50.2 mV, you would key in
-(50.2 EEX - 6)". STO1 already appears on upper left of display.
Exponents are entered by pressing the EEX key, followed by the
sign of the exponent (if negative), followed by the exponent value.