Corrective Maintenance
CSA 803C Service Manual
Cabling diagrams are provided (in the Diagrams section) to show the interĆ
connecting cables between the various circuit boards, modules, and assemĆ
blies. Use these diagrams as a reference when you are removing and/or
replacing cables between these units.
Two methods of interconnection are used to electrically connect circuit
boards with other boards and components. When the interconnection is
made with a coaxial cable, a special endĆlead connector plugs into a socket
on the board. Other interconnections are made with a pin soldered into the
Two types of connectors are used for these interconnecting pins. If the
connector is mounted on a plugĆon board, a special socket is soldered into
the board. If the connector is on the end of a lead, an endĆlead pin connecĆ
tor that mates with the interconnecting pin is used. The following information
provides the removal and replacement procedure for the various types of
interconnecting methods.
CoaxialĆType EndĆLead Connectors
Peltola and SMB connectors use color coding of wires, which may be helpful
to correlate a Peltola connector to its socket on a circuit board. The wire
insulation's color, or its colored stripe, is the same as the color represented
by the last digit of the JXX component number. (For example, a green wire
would connect to a J05 socket.) Other Peltola connectors may have labels
which designate their JXX component number.
MultiĆPin Connectors
These connectors are arranged so that the pin connectors used to connect
the wires to the interconnecting pins are clamped to the ends of the
associated leads.
Some of the pin connectors are grouped together and mounted in a plastic
holder. The overall result is that these connectors are installed and removed
as a multiĆpin connector.
Pin 1 on multiĆpin connectors is designated with a triangle (or arrowhead). A
triangle, dot, or square printed on circuit boards denotes pin 1. When a
connector is plugged onto a circuit board, the position or orientation of the
Cables and
Interconnecting Pins