DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
clear bgp
Purpose This command is used to reset the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) connections using hard
or soft reconfigurations.
clear bgp [all | ipaddr <ipaddr> | as <as_number 1-65535> | peer_group
<peer_group_name 16> | external ] {soft {[ in { prefix_filter} | out ]}}
Description This command is used to initiate a hard reset or a soft reset for a connection.
If a hard reset is applied to the inbound session, the inbound session will be torn down and
the local inbound routing table and the remote outbound routing table will be cleared.
If a soft reset is applied to the inbound session, the session will not be rebuilt but the local
inbound routing table will be cleared and needs to be rebuilt.
If a soft reconfiguration inbound is enabled, then the routing table can be rebuilt based on the
stored route updates information. If a soft reconfiguration inbound is disabled, then the local
router will send the route refresh request to the neighbor to ask for the route refresh.
When the inbound session is soft reset with the prefix filter option, and the
capability_orf_prefix_list is enabled in the send direction, then the local BGP will send ‘clear
the routing table’, and notify the remote neighbor for the prefix filter.
This is a way to notify the neighbor of the prefix filter whenever a change is made to the
prefix filter.
all - Specifies that all current BGP sessions will be reset.
<as_number> - Specifies to reset sessions with BGP peers in the specified Autonomous
peer_group - Specifies to reset a peer group.
ipaddr - Specifies to reset the session with the specified neighbor.
external - All eBGP sessions will be reset.
soft - Initiates a soft reset. Does not tear down the session.
in - Initiates inbound reconfiguration. If neither in nor out keywords are specified, both
inbound and outbound sessions are reset.
prefix_filter - The local site configured prefix filter will be notified to the remote neighbor when
inbound soft reset is applied.
out - Initiates outbound reconfiguration.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To reset all Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) connections:
DGS-3627:admin# clear bgp all
Command: clear bgp all
DGS-3627:admin# clear bgp ipaddr soft in
Command: clear bgp ipaddr soft in
clear bgp dampening
Purpose This command is used to clear the BGP route dampening information and to unsuppressed
suppressed routes.
clear bgp dampening {[<ipaddr> | <network_address>]}