DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
The OSPF Debug Enhancement commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate
parameters) in the following table.
Command Parameters
debug ospf show flag
debug ospf neighbor_state_change
[enable | disable]
debug ospf interface_state_change {dr_bdr_selection} state [enable | disable]
debug ospf lsa {all | originating | installing | receiving | flooding} state [enable | disable]
debug ospf packet {all | receiving | sending} state [enable | disable]
debug ospf retransmission state [enable | disable]
debug ospf spf {all | intra | inter | extern} state [enable | disable]
debug ospf route state [enable | disable]
debug ospf route redistribution state [enable | disable]
debug ospf route virtual_link state [enable | disable]
debug ospf route state [enable | disable]
debug ospf timer state [enable | disable]
debug ospf show counter {packet | neighbor | spf}
debug ospf clear counter {packet | neighbor | spf}
debug ospf show request_list
debug ospf show redistribution
debug ospf show summary_list
debug ospf show detail [rt_link | net_link | summary_link | external_link | type7_link]
debug ospf timer state [enable | disable]
debug ospf log state [enable | disable]
debug ospf show log state
debug ospf state [enable | disable]
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
debug ospf show flag
Purpose Used to display the OSPF debug flag setting.
debug ospf show flag
Description This command is used to display the OSPF debug flag setting.
Parameters None.
Restrictions Only Administrator level users can issue this command.