DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
DGS-3627:admin# delete route_map map_name map1
Command: delete route_map map_name map1
show route_map
Purpose This command is used o show a route map configuration.
show route_map {<map_name 16>}
Description This command is used to show a route map configuration.
<map_name 16> - Route map name.
Restrictions None.
Example usage:
To show the route map named “map1”:
DGS-3627:admin# show route_map map1
Command:4# show route_map map1
route_map : map1
sequence : 10 (Permit)
Match clauses:
Set clauses:
sequence : 20 (Permit)
Match clauses:
Set clauses:
config route_map
Purpose Used to configure the route map or add/delete sequences to the route map.
config route_map <map_name 16> [add | delete] sequence <value 1-65535 > {[deny |
Description A route map can have multiple rule entries, each with a different sequence number.
When creating a route map, a sequence ID of 10 will be added to the route map.
If the sequence number is not specified, it will be automatically given.
The automatically given sequence number will be a multiple of 10.
If permit/deny is not specified, permit is implied.
<map_name 16> - The route map name.
<value 1-65535> - The sequence number for the route map rule.
permit - Specifies to permit the route if the rule is matched
deny - Specifies to deny the route if the rule is matched.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: