
DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
Industry is in the early stages of large scale IPv6 production deployment, and first-generation products need to make
tradeoffs between available IPv6 services. Although the success of IPv6 will ultimately depend on the new applications
that run over IPv6, there might be organizations or hosts within organizations that will continue to use IPv4 indefinitely.
A key part of the IPv6 design is its ability to integrate into and coexist with existing IPv4 networks. It is expected that IPv4
and IPv6 hosts will need to coexist for a substantial time during the steady migration from IPv4 to IPv6, and the
development of transition strategies, tools, and mechanisms has been part of the basic IPv6 design from the start.
The IPv6 tunneling mechanism is one of the strategies for solving the transition from IPv4 to IPv6. This document
describes three types of IPv6 tunnels: IPv6 Manually Configured tunnels, Automatic 6to4 Tunnels and ISATAP Tunnels.
The IPv6 Tunnel commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in
the following table.
Command Parameters
create ip_tunnel <tunnel_name 12>
delete ip_tunnel <tunnel_name 12>
config ip_tunnel manual <tunnel_name 12> {ipv6address <ipv6networkaddr> | source <ipaddr> |
destination <ipaddr>}(1)
config ip_tunnel 6to4 <tunnel_name 12> {ipv6address <ipv6networkaddr> | source <ipaddr >}(1)
config ip_tunnel isatap <tunnel_name 12> {ipv6address <ipv6networkaddr> | source <ipaddr>}(1)
show ip_tunnel {<tunnel_name 12>}
enable ip_tunnel {<tunnel_name 12>}
disable ip_tunnel {<tunnel_name 12>}
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
create ip_tunnel
Purpose Used to create an IPv6 tunnel interface.
create ip_tunnel < tunnel_name 12>
Description The create ip_tunnel command is used to create an IPv6 tunnel interface on the Switch.
<tunnel_name 12> - IPv6 Tunnel interface name, maximum of 12 characters.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To create an IPv6 tunnel interface (Tunnel name is “tn2”.):
DGS-3627:admin# create ip_tunnel tn2
Command: create ip_tunnel tn2