
DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
The IPv6 Route commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the
following table.
Command Parameters
create ipv6route [default | <ipv6networkaddr>] [[<ipif_name 12> <ipv6addr> | <ipv6addr>]
{<metric 1-65535>} {[primary | backup]} | ip_tunnel <tunnel_name 12>]
delete ipv6route [[default |<ipv6networkaddr>] [<ipif_name 12> <ipv6addr> | <ipv6addr> |
ip_tunnel <tunnel_name 12>] | all]
show ipv6route {<ipv6networkaddr>} {[static | ripng | ospfv3]}
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
create ipv6route
Purpose Used to create static IPv6 route entry to Switch’s IPv6 routing table.
create ipv6route [default | <ipv6networkaddr>] [[<ipif_name 12> <ipv6addr> |
<ipv6addr>] {<metric 1-65535>} {[primary | backup]} | ip_tunnel <tunnel_name 12>]
Description Create a static IPv6 route entry. If the next hop is a global address, it is not needed to
indicate the interface name of the next hop. If the next hop is a link local address, then the
interface name of the next hop must be specified. And the unspecified address, loop back
address or multicast address can’t be configured as the next hop.
Note: If an IPv6 global address is added on interface, this local route will be wrote into IPv6
routing table automatically.
If both the destination network address and next hop of the new route entry are the same
with existed entry, the created command for the new entry will return failure. If only the
destination network address is the same with the existed entry and both primary and backup
route entries are already existed, the created command for the new entry will return failure.
The IP tunnel route doesn’t support to create the backup route.
default - Specify that this route is created as a default route.
ipv6networkaddr - The destination network of the route.
ipif_name - The interface name of the next hop, with the maximum of 12 characters.
ipv6addr - The next hop address of this route.
metric - The metric for this route, the default value is 1.
primary - Specify the route as the primary route to the destination.
backup - Specify the route as the backup route to the destination. If the route is not specified
as the primary route or the backup route, then it will be auto-assigned by the system. The first
created is the primary, the second created is the backup.
tunnel_name - The IP tunnel interface name of the next hop. When this option is specified, it
is indicated that this new created route is an IP tunnel route.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To add a single static IPv6 route entry in IPv6 format: