DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
The Trace Route commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in
the following table.
Command Parameters
traceroute [<ipaddr> | <domain_name 255>] {ttl <value 1-60> | port <value 30000-64900> |
timeout <sec 1-65535> | probe <value 1-9>}
traceroute6 <ipv6addr> {ttl <value 1-60> | port <value 30000-64900> | timeout <sec 1-
65535> | probe <value 1-9>}
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
Purpose This command is used to trace the routed path between the switch and a destination end
traceroute [<ipaddr> | <domain_name 255>] {ttl <value 1-60> | port <value 30000-
64900> | timeout <sec 1-65535> | probe <value 1-9>}
Description To track the route of an IP packet, traceroute launches UDP probe packets with a small TTL
(time to live) and then listens for an ICMP "time exceeded" reply from a gateway. Probes start
with a TTL of one and increase by one until either an ICMP "port unreachable" is returned,
indicating that the packet reached the host, or the maximum number of hops is exceeded. At
each TTL setting, one probe packet is launched (the number can be changed by specifying
the parameter “probe”) and traceroute prints a line showing the round trip time and the
address of the gateway of each probe, or time out of each probe. If there is no response
within the 5 seconds timeout interval, an asterisk (*) is printed for that probe.
ipaddr - IP address of the destination end station.
<domain_name 255> - The domain name of the destination end station.
ttl <value 1-60> - The time to live value of the trace route request. This is the maximum
number of routers that a trace route packet can cross, while seeking the network path
between two devices. The range for the TTL is 1 to 60 hops.
port <value 30000–64900> - Specify the destination UDP port number. The UDP port range
is from 30000 to 64900.
timeout <sec 1-65535> - Define the timeout period while waiting for a response from the
remote device. A value of 1 to 65535 seconds can be specified. The default is 5 seconds.
probe <value 1-9> - Specify the number of probe packets for each TTL. The default is 1.
Note: The probe will be terminated once the destination is reached.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To trace the routed path between the switch and