
DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
Example usage:
To configure the RPL port or the RPL owner for a specific R-APS VLAN:
DGS-3627:admin# config erps raps_vlan 4094 rpl port west owner enable
Command: config erps raps_vlan 4094 rpl port west owner enable
config erps raps_vlan protected_vlan
Purpose Used to configure the protected VLAN for a specific R-APS VLAN.
config erps raps_vlan <vlanid> protected_vlan [add | delete] vlanid <vidlist>
Description This command is used to configure the VLANs that are protected by the ERPS function.
The R-APS VLAN cannot be the protected VLAN. The protected VLAN can be one that has
already been created, or it can be used for a VLAN that has not yet been created.
protected_vlan - See below:
add - Add VLANs to the protected VLAN group.
delete - Delete VLANs from the protected VLAN group.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the protected VLAN for a specific R-APS VLAN:
DGS-3627:admin# config erps raps_vlan 4094 protected_vlan add vlanid 10-20
Command: config erps raps_vlan 4094 protected_vlan add vlanid 10-20
config erps raps_vlan timer
Purpose Used to configure the ERPS timers for a specific R-APS VLAN.
config erps raps_vlan <vlanid> timer {holdoff_time < value 0-10000> | guard_time
<value 10-2000> | wtr_time <min 5-12>} (1)
Description This command is used to configure the protocol timers.
Holdoff timer: The Holdoff timer is used to filter out intermittent link faults when link failures
occur during the protection switching process. When a ring node detects a link failure, it will
start the holdoff timer and report the link failure event (R-APS BPDU with SF flag) after the
link failure is confirmed within period of time specified.
Guard timer: Guard timer is used to prevent ring nodes from receiving outdated R-APS
messages. This timer is used during the protection switching process after the link failure
recovers. When the link node detects the recovery of the link, it will report the link failure
recovery event (R-APS PDU with NR flag) and start the guard timer. Before the guard timer
expires, all received R-APS messages are ignored by this ring node, except in the case
where a burst of three R-APS event messages that indicates the topology of a sub-ring has
changed and the node needs to flush FDB are received on the node. In this case the
recovered link does not go into a blocking state. The Guard Timer should be greater than the
maximum expected forwarding delay for which one R-APS message circles around the ring.
WTR timer: WTR timer is used to prevent frequent operation of the protection switch due to