DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
The Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) (an adaptation of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)) commands in the
Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
Command Parameters
config sntp {primary <ipaddr> | secondary <ipaddr> | poll-interval <int 30-99999>}
show sntp
enable sntp
disable sntp
config time <date ddmthyyyy> <time hh:mm:ss>
config time_zone {operator [+ | -] | hour <gmt_hour 0-13> | min <minute 0-59>}
config dst
[disable | repeating {s_week <start_week 1-4,last> | s_day <start_day sun-sat>|
s_mth <start_mth 1-12> | s_time <start_time hh:mm> | e_week <end_week 1-
4,last> | e-day <end_day sun-sat> | e_mth <end_mth 1-12> | e_time <end_time
hh:mm> | offset [30 | 60 | 90 | 120]} | annual {s_date <start_date 1-31> | s_mth
<start_mth 1-12> | s_time <start_time hh:mm> | e_date <end_date 1-31> |
e_mth <end_mth 1-12> | e_time <end_time hh:mm> | offset [30 | 60 | 90 | 120]}]
show time
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
config sntp
Purpose Used to setup SNTP service.
config sntp {primary <ipaddr> | secondary <ipaddr> | poll-interval <int 30-99999>}
Description Use this command to configure SNTP service from an SNTP server. SNTP must be
enabled for this command to function (See enable sntp).
primary − This is the primary server the SNTP information will be taken from.
• <ipaddr> − The IP address of the
primary server.
secondary − This is the secondary server the SNTP information will be taken from in the
event the primary server is unavailable.
• <ipaddr> − The IP address for the
secondary server.
poll-interval <int 30-99999> − This is the interval between requests for updated SNTP
information. The polling interval ranges from 30 to 99,999 seconds.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command. SNTP service
must be enabled for this command to function (enable sntp).
Example usage:
To configure SNTP settings: