DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
DGS-3627:admin# delete stp instance_id 2
Command: delete stp instance_id 2
config stp instance_id
Purpose To map or remove the VLAN range of the specified MST instance for the existed MST
config stp instance_id <value 1-15> [add_vlan | remove_vlan] <vidlist>
Description There are 2 different action type to deal with an MST Instance. They are listed as follows:
add_vlan: to map specified VLAN lists to an existed MST Instance .
remove_vlan: to delete specified VLAN lists from an existed MST Instance.
instance_id - MSTP instance id . Instance 0 represents for default instance, CIST. The DUT
support 16 Instance (0-15) at most.
add_vlan - Defined action type to configure an MST Instance.
remove_vlan - Defined action type to configure an MST Instance.
vidlist - Specifies a list of VLANs by VLAN ID.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To map vlan id to mstp instance:
DGS-3627:admin# config stp instance_id 2 add_vlan 1 to 3
Command: config stp instance_id 2 add_vlan 1 to 3
To remove vlan id from mstp instance:
DGS-3627:admin# config stp instance_id 2 remove_vlan 2
Command: config stp instance_id 2 remove_vlan 2
config stp mst_config_id
Purpose Used to change the name or revision level of the MST configuration Identification.
config stp mst_config_id {name <string> | revision_level <int 0-65535>}
Description To configure configuration name, revision level in the MST configuration Identification. The
default configuration name is the MAC address of the bridge.
name - The name given for a specified MST region.
revision_level - The same given name with different revision level also represents for different
MST region.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.