
DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
size - Specify the size of the test packet.
timeout - Specify the time-out period while waiting for a response from the remote device. A
value of 1 to 10 seconds can be specified. The default is 1 second.
source_ip - Specify the source IPv6 address of the ping packets. If specified, , the IPv6
address will be used as the packets’ source IPv6 address that ping6 sends to the remote
Restrictions None.
Example usage:
To send ICMP echo message to “3000::1” for 4 times:
DGS-3627:admin# ping6 3000::1 times 4
Command: ping6 3000::1 times 4
Reply from 3000::1, bytes=200, time<10ms
Reply from 3000::1, bytes=200, time<10ms
Reply from 3000::1, bytes=200, time<10ms
Reply from 3000::1, bytes=200, time<10ms
Ping Statistics for 3000::1
Packets: Sent =4, Received =4, Lost =0
To send ICMP echo message with source IPV6 address “3000::11” to “3000::1” for 3 times (the Switch’s IP address are
3000::11 and 3000::10):
DGS-3627:admin# ping6 3000::1 times 3 source_ip 3000::11
Command: ping6 3000::1 times 3 source_ip 3000::11
Reply from 3000::1, bytes=200, time<10ms
Reply from 3000::1, bytes=200, time<10ms
Reply from 3000::1, bytes=200, time<10ms
Ping Statistics for 3000::1
Packets: Sent =3, Received =3, Lost =0
enable broadcast_ping_reply
Purpose Used to enable the broadcast ping reply state.
enable broadcast_ping_reply
Description The device will reply to the broadcast ping request.
Parameters None.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To enable the broadcast ping reply state: