DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
DGS-3627:admin# show snmp community
Command: show snmp community
SNMP Community Table
Community Name View Name Access Right
------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------
private CommunityView read_write
public CommunityView read_only
Total Entries : 2
create snmp user
Purpose This command is used to create a new user to an SNMP group originated by this command.
create snmp user <username 32> <groupname 32> {encrypted [by_password auth [
md5 <auth_password 8-16 > | sha <auth_password 8-20 >] priv [none | des
<priv_password 8-16>] | by_key auth [md5 <auth_key 32-32> | sha <auth_key 40-40>]
priv [none | des <priv_key 32-32>]]}
Description The create snmp user command creates a new user to an SNMP group originated by this
command. User can chose input authentication and privacy by password or by key.
Note: This is SNMPv3 command, if it is used; All SNMPv1/v2 commands are not necessary.
username - The name of the user on the host that connects to the agent. The range is 1 to
groupname - The name of the group to which the user is associated. The range is 1 to 32.
encrypted - Specifies whether the password appears in encrypted format.
by_password - Indicate input password for authentication and privacy.
by_key - Indicate input key for authentication and privacy.
auth - Initiates an authentication level setting session. The options are md5 and sha.
md5 - The HMAC-MD5-96 authentication level.
sha - The HMAC-SHA-96 authentication level.
auth_password - An authentication string used by MD5 or SHA1.
priv_password - A privacy string used by DES.
auth_key - An authentication key used by MD5 or SHA1, it is hex string type.
priv_key - A privacy key used by DES, it is hex string type.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To create a SNMP user “user123” with group “group123”:
DGS-3627:admin# create snmp user user123 group123 encrypted by_password auth md5
12345678 priv des 12345678
Command: create snmp user user123 group123 encrypted by_password auth md5
12345678 priv des 12345678