
DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
debug output
Purpose Use the debug output command to specify if the MSTP debug message output should be to
the buffer or console.
debug output module mstp [buffer | console]
Description Sets if the MSTP debug message output should be set to the buffer or console.
buffer - Specifies the debug messages of MSTP will output to the buffer.
console - Specifies the debug messages of MSTP will output to the console.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To set the MSTP debug information to output to the console:
DGS-3627:admin# debug output module mstp console
Command: debug output module mstp console
debug stp config ports
Purpose Used to configure per-port STP debug level.
debug stp config ports [ < portlist > | all ] [ event | bpdu | state_machine | all ] state [
disable | brief | detail ]
Description This command used to configure per-port STP debug level on the specified ports.
debug flags - See below:
event - Debug the external operation and event processing.
bpdu - Debug the BPDU’s that have been received and transmitted.
state_machine - Debug the state change of the STP state machine.
all - Debug all of the above.
ports - See below:
portlist - Specifies the STP port range to debug.
all - Specifies to debug all ports on the switch.
state - See below:
disable - Disables the debug mechanism.
brief - Sets the debug level to brief.
detail - Sets the debug level to detail.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure all STP debug flags to brief level on all ports:
DGS-3627:admin# debug stp config ports all all state brief
Command: debug stp config ports all all state brief