DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
DGS-3627:admin# create policy_route name manager
Command: create policy_route name manager
config policy_route
Purpose Used to configure the parameters to set the policy route on the Switch.
config policy_route name <policyroute_name 32> acl profile_id <value 1-14> access_id
<value 1-128> nexthop <ipaddr> state [enable | disable]
Description This command is used to configure the policy route settings for a policy route created with the
create policy_route command. The administrator must have previously created an access
profile with an accompanying access rule using the create access_profile profile_id and
config access_profile profile_id mentioned previously in this manual. The next hop router IP
address must also be specified using this command.
name <policyroute_name 32> – Enter an alphanumeric name of no more than 32 characters
which identifies this policy route.
acl – This parameter is used to denote the access profile that will be used with this command, by
identifying the following parameters:
• profile_id <value 1-14> – Enter the ID number of the previously created access profile
that is to be associated with this policy route.
• access_id <value 1-128> – Enter the previously created access ID that has been
created in conjunction with the access profile ID mentioned previously, that is to be
associated with this policy route.
nexthop <ipaddr> – Enter the IP address of the next hop router that will be connected to the
gateway router. This field must be set or no policy routing will take place.
state [enable | disable] – Used to enable or disable this policy route on the Switch.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the policy route name “manager”:
DGS-3627:admin# config policy_route name manager acl profile_id 1 access_id 2 nexthop state enable
Command: config policy_route name manager acl profile_id 1 access_id 2 nexthop
state enable
delete policy_route
Purpose Used to delete a policy route setting.
delete policy_route name <policyroute_name 32>
Description This command is used to delete a policy route setting.
name <policyroute_name 32> – Enter an alphanumeric name of no more than 32 characters to
identify this policy route to be deleted.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.