
DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
DGS-3627:admin# create policy_route name manager
Command: create policy_route name manager
config policy_route
Purpose Used to configure the parameters to set the policy route on the Switch.
config policy_route name <policyroute_name 32> acl profile_id <value 1-14> access_id
<value 1-128> nexthop <ipaddr> state [enable | disable]
Description This command is used to configure the policy route settings for a policy route created with the
create policy_route command. The administrator must have previously created an access
profile with an accompanying access rule using the create access_profile profile_id and
config access_profile profile_id mentioned previously in this manual. The next hop router IP
address must also be specified using this command.
name <policyroute_name 32> Enter an alphanumeric name of no more than 32 characters
which identifies this policy route.
acl This parameter is used to denote the access profile that will be used with this command, by
identifying the following parameters:
profile_id <value 1-14> Enter the ID number of the previously created access profile
that is to be associated with this policy route.
access_id <value 1-128> Enter the previously created access ID that has been
created in conjunction with the access profile ID mentioned previously, that is to be
associated with this policy route.
nexthop <ipaddr> Enter the IP address of the next hop router that will be connected to the
gateway router. This field must be set or no policy routing will take place.
state [enable | disable]Used to enable or disable this policy route on the Switch.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the policy route name “manager”:
DGS-3627:admin# config policy_route name manager acl profile_id 1 access_id 2 nexthop state enable
Command: config policy_route name manager acl profile_id 1 access_id 2 nexthop
state enable
delete policy_route
Purpose Used to delete a policy route setting.
delete policy_route name <policyroute_name 32>
Description This command is used to delete a policy route setting.
name <policyroute_name 32> Enter an alphanumeric name of no more than 32 characters to
identify this policy route to be deleted.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.