
DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
create dhcp pool manual_binding
Purpose Used to create a DHCP pool manual binding entry.
create dhcp pool manual_binding <pool_name 12> <ipaddr> hardware_address
<macaddr> {type [Ethernet | IEEE802]}
Description This command will create a DHCP manual pool binding entry for a previously created pool.
When a MAC address is entered in this command, it will be bound to a IP address from the
given pool either by the user, or automatically by the Switch.
<pool_name 12> Enter the name of the previously created pool that will contain the manual
binding entry.
<ipaddr> Enter the IP address to be statically bound to a device within the local network that
will be specified by entering the Hardware Address in the following field.
hardware_address <macaddr> Enter the MAC address of the device to be statically bound
to the IP address entered in the previous field.
type [Ethernet | IEEE802] This field is used to specify the type of connection for which this
manually bound entry will be set. Ethernet will denote that the manually bound device is
connected directly to the Switch, while the IEEE802 denotes that the manually bound device
is outside the local network of the Switch.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To create a manual binding DHCP entry:
DGS-3627:admin# create dhcp pool manual_binding engineering hardware_address type Ethernet
Command: create dhcp pool manual_binding engineering hardware_address type Ethernet
delete dhcp pool manual_binding
Purpose Used to delete a previously created DHCP manual binding entry.
delete dhcp pool manual_binding <pool_name 12> [<ipaddr> | all]
This command will delete a DHCP manual binding entry created with the create dhcp pool
manual_binding command.
<pool_name 12> Enter the previously created pool name from which to delete a manual
binding DHCP entry.
<ipaddr> Enter the IP address of the manual binding entry to be deleted.
allEnter this command to delete all manual binding entries for the given pool.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To delete a manual binding DHCP entry: