Throttle Lever, Cable and Case
Free Play Inspection
Refer to Throttle Control System Inspection in the Peri-
odic Maintenance chapter.
Throttle Cable Adjustment
Refer to Throttle Cable Adjustment in the Periodic Main-
tenance chapter.
Throttle Case Removal/Disassembly
Unscrew the mounting screws [A] and remove the han-
dlebar pad [B].
Remove the throttle case.
Unscrew the throttle case mounting screws [C] separate
the case halves [D].
Disconnect the throttle cable from the case.
Slide the rubber boots [A] and rubber cap [B] out of the
Unscrew the throttle cable fitting nut [C].
Use a screw driver [A] to separate the tip [B] of the cable
end from the case body.