Cylinder, Pistons
The piston ring openings must be positioned as shown in
the figure. The openings of the oil ring steel rails must be
about 30 ∼ 40° of angle from the opening of the top ring.
[A] Top Ring
[B] Second Ring
[C] Oil Ring Steel Rails
[D] Oil Ring Expander
[E] Hollow (Exhaust Side)
Replace the cylinder gasket with a new one, and install
the pins [A] and new cylinder gasket.
Exhaust Side [B]
Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution to the cylinder
bore, external of pistons and piston rings.
Insert the piston in the cylinder by two methods.
With the Hand
Position the crankshaft at #2, #3 piston TDC.
Install the two cylinder head bolts [A] diagonally in the
Install the cylinder block [B].
Pistons [C]
First insert the #2, #3 pistons, and then rotate the crank-
shaft at 90° angle.
Insert the piston rings with your thumbs or the thin (–)
screw driver.
With the Special Tools
Install the two cylinder head bolts [A] diagonally in the
Slip the piston bases [B] under the pistons to hold them
Compress the piston rings using the piston ring compres-
sor grips [C] and piston ring compressor belts [D] with
chamfered side upward.
Special Tools - Piston Base, 8: 57001-1604
Piston Ring Compressor Grip: 57001-1095
Piston Ring Compressor Belt,
80 ∼ 91:
Push down vigorously the cylinder aligning the cylinder
bores with all the piston heads.
Install the cylinder so that its angle aligns the piston angle
after removing the piston ring compressor belts.
Install the removed parts.