190-01255-00 Rev. B
Garmin G1000H
Pilot’s Guide for the Bell 407GX
NOTE: Split COM performance is affected by the distance between the COM antennas and the separation
of the tuned frequencies. If the selected COM frequencies are too close together, interference may be heard
during transmission on the other radio.
DuringSplit COM operation, both the pilot and the copilot can transmit simultaneously over separate radios.
Thepilot canstillmonitorNAV1,NAV2,AUX, andMKRAudioas selected,butthe copilotisonlyable to
Selection of more than one MICKeyselectsSplitCOMoperation(usingCOM1/COM2,COM1/COM3,or
COM2/COM3). The COM1/MIC1, COM2/MIC2, or COM3/MIC3 annunciators are illuminated indicating
Split COM operation. The selected COM frequencies are displayed in green indicating that both transceivers
are active. Split COM operation is cancelled by pressing one of the selected MIC Keys again.
When inSplit-COM mode, thepilot isusing the lowernumbered COM,the copilot isusing thehigher
the pilot’s microphone PTT is pressed. The MIC2 or MIC3 (depends on COMs selected for Split-COM)
Annunciator flashes when the copilot’s microphone PTT is pressed.
COM2 Radio is Used
by the Copilot
Figure 4-45 Split COM Operation
COM1 Radio is Used
by the Pilot