190-01255-00 Rev. B
Garmin G1000H
Pilot’s Guide for the Bell 407GX
To change COM channel spacing:
1) While on the System Setup 1 Page, press the FMS Knob momentarily to activate the flashing cursor.
2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the channel spacing field in the COM Configuration Box.
3) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the desired spacing and press the ENT Key.
neaRest aiRPORts
The Nearest Airports Box on the System Setup 1 Page defines the minimum runway length and surface
type used when determining the nine nearest airports to display on the MFD Nearest Airports Page. A
minimum runway length and/or surface type can be entered to prevent airports with small runways or
runways that are not of appropriate surface from being displayed. Default settings are zero feet (or meters)
for runway length and “HARD/SOFT” for runway surface type.
To select nearest airport surface matching criteria (any, hard only, hard/soft, water):
1) While on the System Setup 1 Page, press the FMS Knob momentarily to activate the flashing cursor.
2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the runway surface field in the Nearest Airports Box.
3) Turn the small FMS Knob to display and scroll through the runway options (any, hard only, hard/soft, water) and
press the ENT Key when the desired selection is highlighted.
To select nearest airport minimum runway length matching criteria:
1) While on the System Setup 1 Page, press the FMS Knob momentarily to activate the flashing cursor.
2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the minimum length field in the Nearest Airport Box.
3) Turn the FMS Knobs to enter the minimum runway length (zero to 99,999 feet) and press the ENT Key.
When the Particle Separator or Snow Baffle is installed on the engine air inlets, the system must adjust
the algorithums used to calculate the Power Assurance Check. This is accomplished by selecting these
options in the Inlet Box of the System Setup 1 Page.
To enable/disable the Particle Separator and/or Snow Baffle option:
1) While on the System Setup 1 Page, press the FMS Knob momentarily to activate the flashing cursor.
2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired option field in the Inlet Box.
3) Turn the small FMS Knob one click to the right to select ON or one click to the left to select OFF.
PilOt PROFiles
System settings may be saved under a pilot profile. When the system is powered on, the last selected
pilot profile is shown on the MFD power-up screen (Figure 1-6). The G1000H can store up to 25 profiles;
the currently active profile, the amount of memory used, and the amount of memory available are shown
at the top of the System Setup 1 or System Setup 2 Page in the box labeled ‘Pilot Profile’. From here, pilot
profiles may be created, selected, renamed, or deleted.