190-01255-00 Rev. B
Garmin G1000H
Pilot’s Guide for the Bell 407GX
GA go-around
gal, gl gallon(s)
GBOX gearbox
GDC Garmin Air Data Computer
GDU Garmin Display Unit
GEA Garmin Engine/Airframe Unit
GEO geographic
GFC Garmin Flight Control
GIA Garmin Integrated Avionics Unit
GLS Global Navigation Satellite Landing
GMA Garmin Audio Panel System
GMC Garmin Mode Controller
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GMU Garmin Magnetometer Unit
GND ground
gph gallons per hour
GPS Global Positioning System
Grid MORA Grid Minimum Off-Route Altitude; one
degree latitude by one degree longitude
in size and clears the highest elevation
reference point in the grid by 1000 feet
for all areas of the grid
Groundspeed The velocity that the aircraft is travelling
relative to a ground position.
Ground Track
see Track
GRS Garmin Reference System
GS Ground speed
GTX Garmin Transponder
HA Hold Terminating at Altitude
HDG heading
Heading The direction an aircraft is pointed,
based upon indications from a magnetic
compass or a properly set directional
HF Hold Terminating at Fix
HFOM Horizontal Figure of Merit
Hg mercury
HI high
HI SENS High Sensitivity
HM Hold with Manual Termination
Horizontal Figure of Merit A measure of the uncertainty in the
aircraft’s horizontal position.
hPa hectopascal
HPL Horizontal Protection Level
HPM Heading Preset Mode
hr hour
HSDB High-Speed Data Bus
HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator
HT heat
HUL Horizontal Uncertainty Level
Hz Hertz
I Inner Marker
IAF Initial Approach Fix
IAT Indicated Air Temperature
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICS Intercom System
ID Identification/Morse Code Identifier
IDENT, IDNT identification
IF Initial Fix
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IG Imperial gallon
ILS Instrument Landing System
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions
in inch
INACTV inactive
INC FUEL increase fuel
IND indicated
Indicated Information provided by properly
calibrated and set instrumentation on
the aircraft panel.
INFO information
in HG inches of mercury
INT intersection(s)
INTEG integrity (RAIM unavailable)
IrDA, IRDA Infrared Data Association
KEYSTK key stuck
kg kilogram
kHz kilohertz
km kilometer
kt knot
L left, left runway
LAT latitude
LBL label
lb pound
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCL local
LED Light Emitting Diode
Left Over Fuel On Board The amount of fuel remaining on board
after the completion of one or more legs
of a flight plan or direct-to.
Left Over Fuel Reserve The amount of flight time remaining,
based on the amount of fuel on board
after the completion of one or more legs
of a flight plan or direct-to, and a known
consumption rate.