GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 9
Technician Handbook for Hospitality Installations
Issue 1
November 2000
Translations and Testing
162Switch-to-INTUITY Translations
Assign a Processor Interface Channel
Use the change communication-interface processor-channels command to
assign a processor interface channel.
■ Proc Chan — Select a processor channel for this link. Use the first
channel available.
■ Enable — Enter y.
■ Appl — Enter audix.
■ Gtwy To — Not used for the AUDIX application.
■ Mode — Enter s (for server).
■ Interface Link — Enter the TCP/IP link number used on the ethernet
data module screen. For this series of examples, link 1 was used.
■ Interface Chan — Enter the TCP channel number (5002
or 6001-6999). This must match the TCP Port field of the INTUITY
Switch Interface Administration screen. The recommended entry for an
INTUITY system is 5002.
■ Destination Node — Enter the node name for the INTUITY system as
assigned on the Node Names screen. In these examples, audix is used.
■ Destination Port — Use the default of 0.
■ Session Local — Enter 1. This field must match the Local Node
Number field on the switch dial plan.
■ Session Remote — Enter 1. This field must match the AUDIX Number
field on the INTUITY Switch Interface Administration screen.
■ Mach ID — Enter 1. This field must match the AUDIX Number field on
the INTUITY Switch Interface Administration screen.
change communication-interface processor-channels Page 1 of 8
Proc Gtwy Interface Destination Session Mach
Chan Enable Appl. To Mode Link/Chan Node Port Local/Remote ID
1: y audix s 1 5002 audix 0 1 1 1
2: n
3: n