GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 9
Technician Handbook for Hospitality Installations
Issue 1
November 2000
Information Display, 123
Mailboxes, 132, 203
Message Retrieval, 188
Rooms, 121
GuestWorks Interface Link, 196
Hardware Options, xiii
Homisco, 6, 15, 35, 46, 113, 205, 248
Customer Options, 14
Parameters, 208
ID Digits, 214
Information Configuration, 208
Housekeeping Status
Testing, 227
Translations, 213
Hunt Groups, 186
Hunt-To Stations, 127
ICLID, 124
IDI, 23
INADS, 73, 74, 75
Alarm Origination, 77
Insert Digit, 210
Insert/Delete Digit, 84, 210
Cabinet, 9
Checklist, 4
Management Interface, 10
Overview, 3
Telecommunications Cabling, 10
Telephones and Other Equipment, 237
Integrated Link, 196
INTUITY Lodging Call Accounting, 15, 35, 51,
71, 113, 205
INTUITY Lodging Call Accounting-to-PMS Link
Testing, 207
Translations, 207
INTUITY Lodging Voice Messaging, 15
INTUITY Lodging-to-PMS Link
Testing, 201
Translations, 195
INTUITY System Parameters, 99
IP Addresses, 159, 165
IP Interfaces, 160
IP Routes, 163
Isolating Data Interface, 23
Journal/Log Printers
Testing, 69, 231
Translations, 228
Journal/Schedule Printer, 16, 62
Journal/Schedule Printer Endpoint, 228
Lamps On For New Messages, 132, 199
LAN Circuit Card, 166
Languages, 197, 199
Layout, 7
LDG, 200
LEDs, 121
Link Integration, 196
List PMS Down Events, 245
Listed Directory Numbers, 100, 104
Log Printer, 16, 62
Logical Channel, 178, 179
Logins, 233
Lost PMS Messages, 209
LWC Activation, 184
LWC Reception, 184
Maid Status
Testing, 227
Translations, 213
Guest Room, 132
Office Staff Subscribers, 120
Maintenance, 239
Management Interface, 10
Mapping Phone Numbers to Services, 192
Message Center, 187
Message Lamp Control, 199
Message Retrieval, 188
Message Waiting
Configuration, 208
Indicator, 121
Testing, 223
Mini-Tester, 5
INTUITY Lodging-to-PMS Link, 33, 201
Journal/Log Printers, 69
Printers, 231
Switch-to-Call Accounting Link, 37, 41, 44
Switch-to-PMS Link, 59, 217