Set Date and Time
September 1995 Issue 1
6. Type
day of month
(1 through 31) and press TAB to move to next field.
Cursor is positioned on Year: field.
7. Type
current year
(for example, 1995) and press TAB to move to next
Cursor is positioned on Hour: field.
8. Type
current hour
for 24-hour clock (see Table 7-4) and press TAB to move
to the next field.
Cursor is positioned on Minute: field.
9. Type
current minute
(0 through 59).
Seconds cannot be set.
10. Press
ENTER when the information is correct..
1. Verify the screen displays:
‘‘command successfully completed’’
2. Type display time, and press ENTER to verify date/time data.
Table 7-4. Conversion to 24-Hour Clock
Standard Time Standard Time
12-Hour 24-Hour 12-Hour 24-Hour
12:00 midnight 0000 12:00 noon 1200
1:00 am 0100 1:00 pm 1300
2:00 am 0200 2:00 pm 1400
3:00 am 0300 3:00 pm 1500
4:00 am 0400 4:00 pm 1600
5:00 am 0500 5:00 pm 1700
6:00 am 0600 6:00 pm 1800
7:00 am 0700 7:00 pm 1900
8:00 am 0800 8:00 pm 2000
9:00 am 0900 9:00 pm 2100
10:00 am 1000 10:00 pm 2200
11:00 am 1100 11:00 pm 2300