9-30 Issue 1 September 1995
2. An installer-provided insulated ground wire, 16 AWG or greater, is
required to connect the Power Supply frame ground lug to an approved
ground. The Power Supply frame ground screw is located next to the
AC receptacle to the left of the unit. The ground screw and the AC
receptacle are shown in the preceding illustration.
3. Mark the Unit Number and Connectivity information on the front label
next to the light emitting diodes.
Mount the 1146B1 Power Distribution Unit
The Power Distribution Unit is mounted onto the bottom wall mounting plate with
three screws.
1. Insert and securely tighten the two #8-32x1/2-inch shoulder screws
(they have an unthreaded section at the top) into the top holes
designated for 1146B1 Power Distribution Unit on the wall mounting
plate. Mount the unit on these two shoulder screws, using the key holes
on the back of the unit. Secure the unit by inserting the #8-32x1-inch
screw through the bottom of the unit (just above the wire clips) into the
wall mounting plate and tighten.
2. Select the desired battery back-up switch option. The switch is preset to
1-32 (down position) option to provide battery back-up to all outputs.
The up position provides battery back-up to outputs 1-8 only.
3. Connect the Power Distribution Unit to the Power Supply with the power
cable. Bend and connect the cable. Refer to the Power Supply’s right-
hand label to locate the output power connection.
Battery Mounting/Wiring
The back-up battery is placed in the battery bracket mounted onto the top wall-
mounting plate using the four #10-32x1/2-inch screws.
1. Insert (do not tighten) two #10-32x1/2-inch screws into the top
designated battery bracket holes on the wall mounting plate.
2. Place the battery bracket on these two screws and tighten the screws.
3. Insert the remaining two #10-32x1/2-inch screws into the battery
bracket bottom holes and tighten.
4. Place the battery in the bracket. The battery cord exits from the right of
the bracket. Make sure the label on the battery is visible.
5. Plug the battery cord into the Power Supply’s right rear receptacle. The
rear receptacle is indicated on the Power Supply’s right label.