Test Tone-Clock Interchange for each Expansion Port
Network (EPN)
Issue 1 September 1995
Test Tone-Clock Interchange for each
Expansion Port Network (EPN)
If the system is set up with Critical Reliability, test the Tone-Clock interchange for
each Expansion Port Network (EPN).
1. Verify the screen displays:
2. Type status system all-cabinets and press
This displays the location of the Standby Tone-Clock.
3. Type set tone-clock xx where xx is the Port-Network/Carrier for the
Standby Tone-Clock. Press enter.
4. Type status system all-cabinets and press
5. Verify the duplicated Tone-Clock is active using the information displayed
on the screen.
If any problems are indicated, check the Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
cables in the associated Expansion Port Network (EPN).
Test Expansion Interface Exchange for
Each Expansion Port Network (EPN)
If the system is set up with Critical Reliability, test the expansion interface
exchange for each Expansion Port Network (EPN).
1. Verify the screen displays:
2. Type status system all-cabinets and press
This displays the standby expansion link.