9-56 Issue 1 September 1995
Processor Data Modules (PDMs) are connected to TN754B digital line circuit
packs and are mounted individually or in a 71A data mounting. Other digital-line
circuit packs may be required in some countries. Each 71A data mounting can
contain up to eight modules. This document contains only the information
required to connect the modules to the switch. Module installation and testing
information is contained in
AT&T System 75 User’s Guide
Processor Data
, 999-700-028.
The data mounting is connected by an A25D/B25A cable through the cross-
connect field to a TN754B digital line circuit pack. The modules can also be
mounted and connected individually through the cross-connect field.
Connection to Data Mounting
1. From the Data Module Form, determine port assignment of the
processor data modules (PDMs):
2. Connect an A25D or B25A cable to the DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS
PROTOCOL-LINE connector on the rear of the data mounting.
3. Route the cable from the data mounting to the station side of the cross-
connect field.
4. Write the lead designations on the connecting block with a felt-tipped
5. Connect patch cords/jumper wires at cross-connect field (Figure 5-1).
6. Administer according to the instructions in the following United States.
English book:
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Implementation
EXAMPLE: Port Number 2 B 02 01
Cabinet Carrier Slot Circuit