Issue 1 September 1995 C-1
Manually Power Down DEFINITY
AUDIX System
A yellow caution sticker is placed on the switch’s power unit telling technicians to
shut down the DEFINITY AUDIX System prior to powering down the switch.
To shutdown the DEFINITY AUDIX system, do the following:
1. Using a pointed object, such as a paper clip or pen (do not use a pencil),
press the Boot/Shutdown button (See A on Figure C-1).
2. Hold Boot/Shutdown button in until Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) (see B in
Figure C-1) flashes the message: MSHUT.
3. Release Boot/Shutdown button.
DEFINITY AUDIX System takes approximately five minutes to shut
down. The following sequence of events will happen during
■ Display (See B on Figure C-1) flashes the message: MSHUT.
■ About two and a half minutes into shutdown, the display
flashes the message, TEST, and the red light emitting diode
(LED) (See C on Figure C-1) is steady on.
■ The DEFINITY AUDIX System is now powered down.